School Sucks Podcast Test #1

Well, sure enough I tested out some of the thoughts on my previous podcast with my sister early this morning.  And by early I mean we started after midnight and ended up talking until after 2:30am.  And, yeah, I had to wake up at 8am for work so that was fun.

The conversation really started with my sister mentioning something along the lines of thinking it was “cheap” or “cheating” (I can’t remember exactly which one she said) for people to get online degrees.  This stemmed from a comment she made about a friend of hers getting Oregon State University credit taking Portland Community College credits.  I basically said, “what’s wrong with going to a community college and using that towards a University degree?”

In the interest of full disclosure: I started my college years at Clark Community College and later transferred to Portland State University so you might claim I’m just defending the idea of knocking out the required freshman and sophomore classes at a [much cheaper] community college versus taking all classes at an official University.  Yet my college diploma states I’m a graduate of “Portland State University.”  It doesn’t say “only 2 years of which were at PSU” or even “he got a 3.33 GPA.”  None of that matters anymore.  Without actually pulling my transcript, no one seeing my PSU diploma will have any idea I went to Clark College, nor will they know what grades I got.

As I mention in the podcast: “what do you call someone who gets all Cs in med school?”  Answer: “Doctor.”

It’s not something you want to think about but short of actually asking your doctor, you’ll never know whether you got the “straight As” doctor or “straight Cs” doctor.  Well, the other way to find out I suppose is if he amputates the wrong leg…

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