Text Wisely

I learned the hard way (again) today to be more selective when texting.  Especially when it comes to mentioning anything political.  In this case a friend of mine texted me “gotta love free money” when it came to being approved for FAFSA.  Rather than just saying “that’s great” I felt inclined to inform her that there’s no such thing as free money.  It comes from somewhere.

As you can imagine, this didn’t go over well.  Especially over text.  This is the lesson I learned.

I think it’s far too easy for people to forget how much we all really pay for.  We drive to work and back and if we never cross a toll booth we never feel the true cost of using the road.  We drive to the grocery store and back and it’s only when we pay for gas that we even consider the costs of traveling.  Yet very few people realize that the price of gasoline is inflated in order to help pay for those roads.  Even fewer probably realize the costs of living are increased when the roads are subsidies by bonds used to build roads as well.  It’s all part of disguising the true costs of living in order for people to not only rely on government but to also not realize how much everything truly costs.   This is something I go more in depth later when I discuss how everything eventually has to be paid back.

Ultimately the problem stems from government itself.  Who amongst us can pass up large tax returns or if unemployed would pass up unemployment funds?  It takes one hell of a strong moral character to do so.  Not to mention, it’s very easy to use the “well I already paid into it so I’m getting some of my own money back” excuse.

And the wheels just keep on a turnin’…